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Chester’s Summer Adventures — Come Read Along!

August 24 @ 10:00 am - September 14 @ 3:00 pm

Throughout the summer, I’m going to post about the wonderful things I get to see and experience as I balloon across the world.  Check back often to see where I have flown!

    • June 7: Starting in Wellsboro to pick up some books to read during my Adventures.  Off to the Friends of The Green Free Library’ book sale in the Gmeiner!
    • June 8: Heading to the Green to participate in Family Day/Children’s Health Fair.  Miss Mia and Miss Anita will be here talking about our summer programs.
    • June 9: It’s the Pet Parade!  Wonder if they will allow me to walk in it?  Plus, it’s the Friends’ book sale bag sale!  Great time to stock up on my favorite authors.
    • June 11: Hope to have time to make a Gobbie animal craft at the Library. Happening tonight at 5:15pm.  Would be a great companion during my travels!
    • June 14-15: It’s the Laurel Festival! What good food should I try?  Can’t miss the Parade!  I have a front row seat on the Library’s porch.
    • June 19: First day of the Library’s preK-school age programs.  Dinosaur show and ice cream!  Yum!
    • June 21-22: I will miss the Library’s Planetarium Show at Mansfield University on June 24 and the Bloomsburg Children’s Museum on June 26.  Flying up to Jasper National Park in Alberta, Canada, trying to see the Northern Lights.  Wish me luck!  Plus, maple syrup, maple sugar, maple candy – too many choices.  Wonder if it is as good as the maple products in Tioga County?  Canada is such a big country.  Will take me several days to get across it.
    • June 28: Won’t be in Wellsboro attend tomorrow’s painting event at the Library.  Maybe someone will paint me in the balloon?
    • July 2-3: Back to America!  Heading out West to celebrate Independence Day!  First stop – South Dakota:   Mount Rushmore and the Crazy Horse Memorial.
    • July 4: Flying from SD to Arizona to see the Grand Canyon.  Hey!  There is Colorado – wonder if I have time to say hi to Director Leslie’s son, Jim?  Hope to see fireworks to celebrate the 4th of July!
    • July 5 Need to see the Pacific Ocean before heading to Mexico.  Will I see whales?  Will the sand be hot on my paws if I land?
    • July 6: Heading to see lots of animals at the San Diego Zoo.  Lions, tigers, and bears!  Oh my….
    • July 7: Yucatan, Mexico, here I come!  Hope to see sharks – but from high in my balloon!  Need to try some Mexican food like tacos, tortillas, and panuchos.
    • July 8-10: Sailing across the Gulf of Mexico.  But no time to stop in Florida.  Walt Disney World and Universal will have to wait for my next trip.  Heading to Bermuda!
    • July 11-15: Time to fly down the Atlantic Ocean to South America. But what countries should I visit on the way?  Puerto Rico, Belize, Jamaica, Aruba.  So many to choose from!  Need to see the Panama Canal!  Heading to Brazil next to learn about the Rio Olympics in 2016.  There is the Christ The Redeemer statue!  WOW
    • July 16-18: Next stop Africa.  Missing the Bloomsburg Children’s Museum presenting a STEM safari on July 17.  Were you able to pet our special visitors?  Need to book my own African photo safari!  Will see elephants, rhinoceros, lions, hippos, and giraffe – must take lots of pictures.
    • July 19: Have to keep moving.  Still lots to see across our beautiful world.
    • July 20-21: Flying over the Rock of Gibraltar, then across Portugal and Spain.  Not much time to stop but will make time to sample the local cuisine.  Then, up the Atlantic Ocean to get to the United Kingdom. No time to see Greenland or Iceland, so on to Ireland!  So many things to see – Blarney Castle, Dublin, Riverdance – but my legs are too short to try to dance!
    • July 23: Scotland here I come!  I want to see the Loch Ness Monster!  Could I wear a kilt?  Love the bagpipes!  The Greyfriar’s Bobby statue!  Is he a more famous dog than me?  So many places to visit.  But I’m skipping the haggis!
    • July 25: London, Wales, and across the English Channel.  But a stop at Buckingham Palace and Big Ben is a must!  Wonder if I can make a royal guard smile?
    • July 26: Have to hurry!  Want to see the opening ceremonies of the Paris Olympics.  Did you see the torch lighting and balloon?  I fit right in!  But can’t stay too long.  But maybe I can catch a gymnastic or track event before flying off.
    • July 28: Must move on.  More to see across Europe before heading to Asia.  First the Alps – hope I can fly high enough to go over them!  Then, off to Germany, yum pretzels!  Quick detour across Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. The fjords are beautiful.  Wait, what’s that?  Do I hear the music from Frozen?
    • July 31: Next, Italy, the boot-shaped country. Enjoy the last day of preK-school age programs.  Library’s providing a drink, snack, and dessert, but I will be trying pizza, lasagna, risotto, and gelato.  I love it all!  Staying longer than planned to eat more delicious food.
    • August 2: Heading to the Vatican.  It’s beautiful from up here.  Next stop Venice!  I can see the canals.  Just enough time for a boat ride.
    • August 4: Greece!  Must see Athens, with a stop at the Acropolis!  Could spend lots of time here but must move on.
    • August 5: Realized that I missed Egypt and the pyramids!  Quick change in my itinerary, then down the Red Sea to India.  Weather has been great during these adventures!
    • August 7: India, here I come!  The Taj Mahal is so beautiful.  Learning so much history!
    • August 8: Not sure if I can make over Everest.  Might need to change my flight plan.  But will stop to learn more about Nepal, Tibet, and the tallest mountain in our World.  Hear a bad storm is coming your way.  Everyone back home be safe!
    • August 10: Flying across China, but no stops.  Such a big country!  I can see the Great Wall!  Will I see a panda?  Huge thank you to everyone supporting Potter and Tioga communities.
    • August 12: Stopping at the foot of Fuji in Japan.  So beautiful!  The rest is needed, but I must keep moving, after I try some good food like sushi, tempura, ramen, and lots of rice!  Yum.
    • August 13: Getting tired. It’s been a long trip.  But there’s more to see!  Down to Fiji!  The beaches are lovely.  Needed a nap and dip in the lagoon.
    • August 14-15: Australia!  So big!  Did you know that it is the only country that is also a continent?!  Sidney Opera House, Ulura (Ayers Rock), kangaroos, koalas, and more!
    • August 16: Quick fly over New Zealand, where some of my favorite movies were filmed:  Lord of the Rings trilogy and the Hobbit!
    • August 17-18: Antarctica here I come!  Need to see penguins!  Should I try sliding on my belly like they do?
    • August 19: Time to head back home.  Taking an easy flight across the globe back to America.
    • August 24: Home at last!  I see The Green Free Library.  Just in time to log my final reading minutes for the summer.

Hope you enjoyed my blog as much as I did writing it.  Did you learn some things along the way?  Maybe one day, you can visit some of the fun, beautiful places that I got to visit.  But in the meantime, you can read all about them in books or online.  See you at the Library!  Or, follow me during my next adventures!

I didn’t get to visit two places that I wanted to go!  Alaska and Hawaii are my must-sees for my next trip.  Possibly a flight across all 50 states?  Sounds fun!  You will just have to wait to find out where my balloon takes me next.


August 24 @ 10:00 am
September 14 @ 3:00 pm
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