Geneology Resources

Newspaper Archives of Green Free Library

Every newspaper in the database is fully searchable by keyword and date, making it easy to quickly explore historical content.

Reminder: you must have a Green Free Library card to use the Archives. The Archives is still a FREE SERVICE FOR OUR PATRONS!

Please contact the staff if you are having issues or need a card.

Tips for using the Archives:

1.      Go to Newspaper Archives under Highlighted Links on our homepage OR click the Resources tab and then Genealogy tab. The Archives is the first link on the page.
2.      Sign into the Archives with your library barcode, starting with the GFL before the numbers.

3.      Then sign in with your account under User Login at top right or create a free account.  You will need an email and create a password to access your account.

4.      Once you are signed in, search by location, date, publications, or search through hundreds of newspapers, mostly historic and not current subscriptions, from across Pennsylvania and New York.

5.      If searching only for Wellsboro newspapers, narrow search by Browse Location and put in Wellsboro, PA, US.  You will be shown a list of newspapers relating to Wellsboro.  Or, click the Publications tab at the top to see all the available newspapers.  You can narrow your search by typing the location in the box on the right-hand side of the page.

We received enough funds to continue getting Ancestry.  You have access to this database and Heritage Quest Online with your library card, as well as, MyHeritage Library Edition through POWER Library.

HeritageQuest Online (use your library barcode to access) is a comprehensive treasury of American genealogical sources—rich in unique primary sources, local and family histories, and finding aids.